Is there a possibility to execute a Python script while being in interactive mode Is there a possibility to execute a Python script while being in interactive mode python python

Is there a possibility to execute a Python script while being in interactive mode

Use execfile('') but it only work on python 2.x, if you are using 3.0 try this

import file without the .py extension will do it, however __name__ will not be "__main__" so if the script does any checks to see if it's being run interactively you'll need to bypass them.

Alternately, if you're wanting to have a look at the environment after the script runs try python -i

EDIT: To load it again

file = reload(file)

You might want to look into IPython, a more powerful interactive shell. It has various "magic" commands including %run (which, of course, runs the script and leaves any variables it defined for you to examine).