Is there a visual profiler for Python? [closed] Is there a visual profiler for Python? [closed] python python

Is there a visual profiler for Python? [closed]

A friend and I have written a Python profile viewer called SnakeViz that runs in a web browser. If you are already successfully using RunSnakeRun SnakeViz may not add that much value, but SnakeViz is much easier to install.

Edit: SnakeViz supports Python 2 and 3 and works on all major systems.

I'm only aware of RunSnakeRun.

There was also some talk some time ago about an integrated profiler in PyDev (Eclipse), but I don't know if that will ever see the light of day.

Update: Unfortunately it seems that RunSnakeRun is no longer maintained, and it does not support Python 3.

I use The result looks like this. I use those commands:

  python -m cProfile -o profile.dat -f pstats profile.dat | dot -Tpng -o profile.png

You need graphviz and installed. You might like a convenience shell script.