Is there an easy way to populate SlugField from CharField? Is there an easy way to populate SlugField from CharField? python python

Is there an easy way to populate SlugField from CharField?

for Admin in Django 1.0 and up, you'd need to use

prepopulated_fields = {'slug': ('title',), }

in your

Your key in the prepopulated_fields dictionary is the field you want filled, and the value is a tuple of fields you want concatenated.

Outside of admin, you can use the slugify function in your views. In templates, you can use the |slugify filter.

There is also this package which will take care of this automatically:

Outside the admin, see this django snippet. Put it in your .save(), and it'll work with objects created programmatically. Inside the admin, as the others have said, use prepopulated_fields.

For pre-1.0:

slug = models.SlugField(prepopulate_from=('title',))

should work just fine

For 1.0, use camflan's