Is there an idiomatic file extension for Jinja templates? Is there an idiomatic file extension for Jinja templates? python python

Is there an idiomatic file extension for Jinja templates?

Ansible uses the .j2 extension.

I couldn't find a definitive documentation about that precise point but we see occurences of the .j2 extension in many places of their documentation :

If you look for .j2 in the following pages you'll see many occurences :

This is the convention that I use for other projects as well, except django templates.

2021 update:: Jinja now officially recommends using the extension .jinja. check docs

Update:Things changed since I wrote this answer, .jinja2 and .j2 are trending.

Jinja Authors did not define a default extension. Most of Jinja template editors like Vim extension, TextMate extension, Emacs extension, and PyCharm mention no default extension to enforce Jinja highlighting.

Django had already a similar debate about setting a default extension, and ended as a wontfix issue. I quote from the closing message:

Filetype detection based on extension is flawed for the very reasons described in these comments, so you have to do some internal inspection, just like MIME type detection works.

I suggest that you should use your own since there is no common one.

IntelliJ's PyCharm uses .jinja2 as their pattern for recognizing Jinja2 templates. For that reason I use the same (and recommend others do so too)

pycharm filetypes