Is there any nosql flat file database just as sqlite? [closed] Is there any nosql flat file database just as sqlite? [closed] python python

Is there any nosql flat file database just as sqlite? [closed]

Maybe shelve? It's basically a key-value store where you can store python objects.

Or maybe you could just use the filesystem?

BerkeleyDB is a widely-used embedded database that's been around forever (it originally derived from the database library included in BSD, hence the name) and has excellent performance characteristics for many use cases (and caching is a frequently-used one), but it does have some significant limitations.

If you want to use it with Python, you'll probably want the externally-maintained pybsddb/bsddb3 library, not the deprecated bsddb library included in Python 2.x (and no longer in 3.x).

It's currently owned by Oracle, but available under an open-source license. Do take careful note of licensing terms -- current versions are GPLish (and GPL-compatible), so make sure that's compatible with what you plan to do.

More information:

Something trivial but workable, if you are looking storage backed up key value data structure use pickled dictionary. Use cPickle for better performance if needed.