Issues when attaching and detaching external app from QDockWidget Issues when attaching and detaching external app from QDockWidget python python

Issues when attaching and detaching external app from QDockWidget

I found part of the issue wrt to closing. So when you are creating the self._window in the attach function and you close the MainWindow, that other window (thread) is sitting around still. So if you add a self._window = None in the __init__ function and add a __del__ function as below, that part is fixed. Still not sure about the lack of menu. I'd also recommend holding onto the subprocess handle with self.__p instead of just letting that go. Include that in the __del__ as well.

    def __del__(self):        self.__p.terminate()        if self._window:            print('terminating window')            self._window.close

Probably better yet would be to include a closeEvent

    def closeEvent(self, event):        print('Closing time')        self.__p.terminate()        if self._window is not None:            print('terminating window')            self._window.close