Jenkinsfile syntax highlighting in PyCharm Idea Jenkinsfile syntax highlighting in PyCharm Idea python python

Jenkinsfile syntax highlighting in PyCharm Idea

The following filetype xml will highlight Jenkinsfile syntax in PyCharm


create a new Jenkinsfile.xml, copy the following xml:

<filetype binary="false" description="Jenkinsfile support" name="Jenkinsfile">  <highlighting>    <options>      <option name="LINE_COMMENT" value="//" />      <option name="COMMENT_START" value="/*" />      <option name="COMMENT_END" value="*/" />      <option name="HEX_PREFIX" value="" />      <option name="NUM_POSTFIXES" value="" />      <option name="HAS_BRACES" value="true" />      <option name="HAS_BRACKETS" value="true" />      <option name="HAS_PARENS" value="true" />      <option name="HAS_STRING_ESCAPES" value="true" />      <option name="LINE_COMMENT_AT_START" value="true" />    </options>    <keywords keywords="def;else;if;import;print;return" ignore_case="true" />    <keywords2 keywords="node" />    <keywords3 keywords="field;library;stage;string" />    <keywords4 keywords="try;catch;finally" />  </highlighting>  <extensionMap>    <mapping pattern="Jenkinsfile" />  </extensionMap></filetype>

and place it under



Linux copy to


Win copy to

<User home>\.PyCharmXX\config\filetypes

~~Unfortunately, Pycharm does not currently support Groovy/Jenkinsfile syntax highlighting.~~

UPDATE: Please see the other answers on this thread to check if groovy support is discovered or added for PyCharm.

While this does not officially answer your question it does provide a workaround for those who are interested.

Install IntelliJ IDEA, the community edition can be downloaded free from intelliJ

Once installed, open File-->Settings-->Editor-->File Types-->Groovy and you can associate Jenkinsfile with the Groovy syntax by adding 'Jenkinsfile*' to the Groovy 'Registered patterns':

enter image description here

A word to the wise: Don't open the Jenkinsfile directly in your Pycharm project with IDEA. It will start writing to the '.idea' folder and cause conflicts with the pyCharm IDE. I like to symlink/softlink my Jenkinsfile into a subdirectory of a folder called 'jenkinsfiles'. So if I have a project called ProjectA I symlink the Jenkins file to ..path../jenkinsfiles/ProjectA/Jenkinsfile. I then open ..path../jenkinsfiles/ in IDEA and can manage all the Jenkinsfiles for all my projects from there.

UPDATE: lately I have been enjoying the free which has a groovy plugin

It's possible. We can add groovy TextMate bundle to PyCharm. Unfortunately PR for Jenkinsfile support waiting for a long time, so we need to do some changes in packet manually.

  1. Download and unpack
  2. open path_to_unpacked_package/Groovy.tmLanguage file in editor and add <string>Jenkinsfile</string> after line <string>gvy</string>
  3. Open PyCharm->Settings->TextMate Bundles and add modified groovy.tmbundle

Based on this answer and tested on PyCharm 2019.1.2 Pro

P.S. As alternative one can use this fork without any modifications
P.P.S. from @jeff-welling comment: If you have no TextMate Bundles in setup, then follow this instruction to install it
Pycharm 2019.2 changelog: PyCharm will now highlight the syntax of Windows .bat files, C#, C++, Groovy, Lua, Makefiles, and more