Lazy module variables--can it be done? Lazy module variables--can it be done? python python

Lazy module variables--can it be done?

You can't do it with modules, but you can disguise a class "as if" it was a module, e.g., in, code...:

import sysclass _Sneaky(object):  def __init__(self): = None  @property  def DOWNLOAD_PATH(self):    if not = heavyComputations()    return  def __getattr__(self, name):    return globals()[name]# other parts of itun that you WANT to code in# module-ish wayssys.modules[__name__] = _Sneaky()

Now anybody can import itun... and get in fact your itun._Sneaky() instance. The __getattr__ is there to let you access anything else in that may be more convenient for you to code as a top-level module object, than inside _Sneaky!_)

It turns out that as of Python 3.7, it's possible to do this cleanly by defining a __getattr__() at the module level, as specified in PEP 562 and documented in the data model chapter in the Python reference documentation.

# mymodule.pyfrom typing import AnyDOWNLOAD_FOLDER_PATH: strdef _download_folder_path() -> str:    global DOWNLOAD_FOLDER_PATH    DOWNLOAD_FOLDER_PATH = ... # compute however ...    return DOWNLOAD_FOLDER_PATHdef __getattr__(name: str) -> Any:    if name == "DOWNLOAD_FOLDER_PATH":        return _download_folder_path()    raise AttributeError(f"module {__name__!r} has no attribute {name!r}")

I used Alex' implementation on Python 3.3, but this crashes miserably:The code

  def __getattr__(self, name):    return globals()[name]

is not correct because an AttributeError should be raised, not a KeyError.This crashed immediately under Python 3.3, because a lot of introspection is doneduring the import, looking for attributes like __path__, __loader__ etc.

Here is the version that we use now in our project to allow for lazy importsin a module. The __init__ of the module is delayed until the first attribute accessthat has not a special name:

""" """# lazy initialization of this module to avoid circular import.# the trick is to replace this module by an instance!# modelled after a post from Alex Martelli :-)

Lazy module variables--can it be done?

class _Sneaky(object):    def __init__(self, name):        self.module = sys.modules[name]        sys.modules[name] = self        self.initializing = True    def __getattr__(self, name):        # call module.__init__ after import introspection is done        if self.initializing and not name[:2] == '__' == name[-2:]:            self.initializing = False            __init__(self.module)        return getattr(self.module, name)_Sneaky(__name__)

The module now needs to define an init function. This function can be usedto import modules that might import ourselves:

def __init__(module):    ...    # do something that imports again    ...

The code can be put into another module, and it can be extended with propertiesas in the examples above.

Maybe that is useful for somebody.