Leaving values blank if not passed in str.format Leaving values blank if not passed in str.format python python

Leaving values blank if not passed in str.format

You can follow the recommendation in PEP 3101 and use a subclass Formatter:

import stringclass BlankFormatter(string.Formatter):    def __init__(self, default=''):        self.default=default    def get_value(self, key, args, kwds):        if isinstance(key, str):            return kwds.get(key, self.default)        else:            return string.Formatter.get_value(key, args, kwds)kwargs = {"name": "mark", "adj": "mad"}     fmt=BlankFormatter()print fmt.format("My name is {name} and I'm really {adj}.", **kwargs)# My name is mark and I'm really mad.print fmt.format("My name is {name} and I'm really {adjective}.", **kwargs)# My name is mark and I'm really .  

As of Python 3.2, you can use .format_map as an alternative:

class Default(dict):    def __missing__(self, key):        return '{'+key+'}'kwargs = {"name": "mark"}print("My name is {name} and I'm really {adjective}.".format_map(Default(kwargs)))

which prints:

My name is mark and I'm really {adjective}.

Here is one option which uses collections.defaultdict:

>>> from collections import defaultdict>>> kwargs = {"name": "mark"}>>> template = "My name is {0[name]} and I'm really {0[adjective]}.">>> template.format(defaultdict(str, kwargs))"My name is mark and I'm really ."

Note that we aren't using ** to unpack the dictionary into keyword arguments anymore, and the format specifier uses {0[name]} and {0[adjective]}, which indicates that we should perform a key lookup on the first argument to format() using "name" and "adjective" respectively. By using defaultdict a missing key will result in an empty string instead of raising a KeyError.

For the record:

s = "My name is {name} and I'm really {adjective}."kwargs = dict((x[1], '') for x in s._formatter_parser())# Now we have: `kwargs = {'name':'', 'adjective':''}`.kwargs.update(name='mark')print s.format(**kwargs)  # My name is mark and I'm really .