List dependencies of Python wheel file List dependencies of Python wheel file python python

List dependencies of Python wheel file

As previously mentioned, .whl files are just ZIP archives. You can just open them and poke around in the METADATA file.

There is a tool, however, that can make this manual process a bit easier. You can use pkginfo, which can be installed with pip.

CLI usage:

$ pip install pkginfo$ pkginfo -f requires_dist psutil-5.4.5-cp27-none-win32.whlrequires_dist: ["enum34; extra == 'enum'"]

API usage:

>>> import pkginfo>>> wheel_fname = "psutil-5.4.5-cp27-none-win32.whl">>> metadata = pkginfo.get_metadata(wheel_fname)>>> metadata.requires_dist[u"enum34 ; extra == 'enum'"]

I just tried to unzip (not gunzip) a wheel package I had lying around. The packagename-version.dist-info/METADATA file contains a list of Requires-Dist: entries that contain the compiled requirements from

Here's a minimal snippet that doesn't require you to have any external tool (unzip, gzip or similars), so it should work in both *nix/windows:

import argparsefrom zipfile import ZipFileparser = argparse.ArgumentParser()parser.add_argument('filename')args = parser.parse_args()archive = ZipFile(args.filename)for f in archive.namelist():    if f.endswith("METADATA"):        for l in"utf-8").split("\n"):            if 'requires-dist' in l.lower():                print(l)


> python psutil-5.4.5-cp27-cp27m-win_amd64.whlRequires-Dist: enum34; extra == 'enum'