Load spike protection for Django Channels Load spike protection for Django Channels python python

Load spike protection for Django Channels

I've received an answer from Andrew Godwin. He doesn't use StackOverflow so I'm posting it here on his behalf.

Hi Jamie,

At the moment Channels has quite limited support for throttling - it pretty much consists of an adjustable channel size for incoming connections which, when full, will cause the server to return a 503 error. Workers are load-balanced based on availability due to the channels design, so there's no risk of a worker gaining a larger queue than others.

Providing more advanced DoS or DDoS protection is probably not something we can do within the scope of Channels itself, but I'd like to make sure we provide the appropriate hooks. Were there particular things you think we could implement that would help you write some of the things you need?

(It's also worth bearing in mind that right now we're changing the worker/consumer layout substantially as part of a major rewrite, which is going to mean different considerations when scaling, so I don't want to give too precise advice just yet)


He's also written about the 2.0 migration in his blog.

I am only answering the first question. So basically it is impossible to be 100% protected from ddos attacks, because it always comes down to a battle of resources. If the server-side resources are greater than the attacker-side resources, the server will not go down (there may be slowed performance though) but if not, the server goes down [no reference required]. Why is it not possible to be 100% protected, you may ask. So basically your server "crashes" if people cannot connect to it [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crash_(computing)#Web_server_crashes --- Web server crashes sentence 1.]. So if you try to protect your server by shutting it down for 5 mins every time 10000 connections are made in a second, the ddos succeeded. It "crashed" your server. The only ddos protection that I know of that should work is Cloudfare (https://www.cloudflare.com/lp/ddos-b/?_bt=207028074666&_bk=%2Bddos%20%2Bprotection&_bm=b&_bn=g&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIu5qv4e-Z1QIVlyW9Ch2YGQdiEAAYASAAEgJbQ_D_BwE). It absorbs the impact of the ddos attack with its 10Tbps network backbone. But even it does not offer 100% ddos protection because once its 10Tbps is down, your server will go down too. So, I hope that helped.

DDoS = Distributed Denial of Service

The 'Distributed' part is the key: you can't know you're being attacked by 'someone' in particular, because requests come from all over the place.

Your server will only accept a certain number of connections. If the attacker manages to create so many connections that nobody else can connect, you're being DDoS'ed.

So, in essence you need to be able to detect that a connection is not legit, or you need to be able to scale up fast to compensate for the limit in number of connections.

Good luck with that!

DDoS protection should really be a service from your cloud provider, at the load balancer level.

Companies like OVH use sophisticated machine learning techniques to detect illegitimate traffic and ban the IPs acting out in quasi-real time. For you to build such a detection machinery is a huge investment that is probably not worth your time (unless your web site is so critical and will lose millions of $$$ if it's down for a bit)