mac - pip install pymssql error mac - pip install pymssql error python python

mac - pip install pymssql error

The top voted solution did not work for me as brew did not link the older version of freetds on its own. I did this to solve the problem:

brew unlink freetds; brew install freetds@0.91;brew link --force freetds@0.91

I was able to work around this by reverting to an older version of FreeTDS through Homebrew before running the pip install.

brew unlink freetds; brew install homebrew/versions/freetds091

The solution was found by andrewmwhite at:

Found Detailed and simple answer with step by step installation of pymssql on

  1. brew unlink freetds; brew install homebrew/core/freetds091
  2. brew link --force freetds@0.91
  3. pip install pymssql