Matplotlib placement of text e.g. suptitle inside the frame Matplotlib placement of text e.g. suptitle inside the frame python python

Matplotlib placement of text e.g. suptitle inside the frame

Have you considered axes.title? You can see the documentation for it here. You can also pass x and y coordinates as keyword arguments ax.title("my title", x=0.5, y=0.6).

Hope this helps.

Your solution using text is also my go-to solution. However, you don't need to compute the position based on xlim and ylim. If you set transform=ax.transAxes the coordinates for positioning the text are taken as being relative to the axes bounding box (0,0 being the lower left corner). Like so:

data = range(1,10);fig = figure()for i in range(6):    ax = fig.add_subplot(2,3,i)    ax.text(.5,.9,'centered title',        horizontalalignment='center',        transform=ax.transAxes)    ax.plot(data)show()

Plot showing text relative to axes bounding box.

Hope that helps!