Measure website load time with Python requests Measure website load time with Python requests python python

Measure website load time with Python requests

There is such functionality in latest version of requests:

For example:


As for your question, it should be the total time for

  1. time to create the request object
  2. Send request
  3. Receive response
  4. Parse response (See comment from Thomas Orozco )

Other ways to measure a single request load time is to use urllib:

nf = urllib.urlopen(url)start = time.time()page = = time.time()nf.close()# end - start gives you the page load time

response.elapsed returns a timedelta object with the time elapsed from sending the request to the arrival of the response. It is often used to stop the connection after a certain point of time is elapsed.

# import requests module import requests   # Making a get request response = requests.get('')   # print response print(response)   # print elapsed time print(response.elapsed)


<Response [200]>0:00:00.343720