Mixing files and loops Mixing files and loops python python

Mixing files and loops

You get the ValueError because your code probably has for line in original: in addition to original.readline(). An easy solution which fixes the problem without making your program slower or consume more memory is changing

for line in original:    ...


while True:    line = original.readline()    if not line: break    ...

Use for and enumerate.


for line_num, line in enumerate(file):    if line_num < cut_off:        print line

NOTE: This assumes you are already cleaning up your file handles, etc.

Also, the takewhile function could prove useful if you prefer a more functional flavor.

Assuming you need only one line, this could be of help

import itertoolsdef getline(fobj, line_no):    "Return a (1-based) line from a file object"    return itertools.islice(fobj, line_no-1, line_no).next() # 1-based!>>> print getline(open("/etc/passwd", "r"), 4)'adm:x:3:4:adm:/var/adm:/bin/false\n'

You might want to catch StopIteration errors (if the file has less lines).