multiprocessing.Pool() slower than just using ordinary functions multiprocessing.Pool() slower than just using ordinary functions python python

multiprocessing.Pool() slower than just using ordinary functions

These problems usually boil down to the following:

The function you are trying to parallelize doesn't require enough CPU resources (i.e. CPU time) to rationalize parallelization!

Sure, when you parallelize with multiprocessing.Pool(8), you theoretically (but not practically) could get a 8x speed up.

However, keep in mind that this isn't free - you gain this parallelization at the expense of the following overhead:

  1. Creating a task for every chunk (of size chunksize) in your iter passed to, iter)
  2. For each task
    1. Serialize the task, and the task's return value (think pickle.dumps())
    2. Deserialize the task, and the task's return value (think pickle.loads())
    3. Waste significant time waiting for Locks on shared memory Queues, while worker processes and parent processes get() and put() from/to these Queues.
  3. One-time cost of calls to os.fork() for each worker process, which is expensive.

In essence, when using Pool() you want:

  1. High CPU resource requirements
  2. Low data footprint passed to each function call
  3. Reasonably long iter to justify the one-time cost of (3) above.

For a more in-depth exploration, this post and linked talk walk-through how large data being passed to (and friends) gets you into trouble.

Raymond Hettinger also talks about proper use of Python's concurrency here.

My best guess is inter-process communication (IPC) overhead. In the single-process instance, the single process has the word list. When delegating to various other processes, the main process needs to constantly shuttle sections of the list to other processes.

Thus, it follows that a better approach might be to spin off n processes, each of which is responsible for loading/generating 1/n segment of the list and checking if the word is in that part of the list.

I'm not sure how to do that with Python's multiprocessing library, though.

I experienced something similar with the Pool on a different problem. I'm not sure of the actual cause at this point...

The Answer edit by OP Karim Bahgat is the same solution that worked for me. After switching to a Process & Queue system, I was able to see speedups inline with the number of cores for a machine.

Here's an example.

def do_something(data):    return data * 2def consumer(inQ, outQ):    while True:        try:            # get a new message            val = inQ.get()            # this is the 'TERM' signal            if val is None:                break;            # unpack the message            pos = val[0]  # its helpful to pass in/out the pos in the array            data = val[1]            # process the data            ret = do_something(data)            # send the response / results            outQ.put( (pos, ret) )        except Exception, e:            print "error!", e            breakdef process_data(data_list, inQ, outQ):    # send pos/data to workers    for i,dat in enumerate(data_list):        inQ.put( (i,dat) )    # process results    for i in range(len(data_list)):        ret = outQ.get()        pos = ret[0]        dat = ret[1]        data_list[pos] = datdef main():    # initialize things    n_workers = 4    inQ = mp.Queue()    outQ = mp.Queue()    # instantiate workers    workers = [mp.Process(target=consumer, args=(inQ,outQ))               for i in range(n_workers)]    # start the workers    for w in workers:        w.start()    # gather some data    data_list = [ d for d in range(1000)]    # lets process the data a few times    for i in range(4):        process_data(data_list)    # tell all workers, no more data (one msg for each)    for i in range(n_workers):        inQ.put(None)    # join on the workers    for w in workers:        w.join()    # print out final results  (i*16)    for i,dat in enumerate(data_list):        print i, dat