MySQL Improperly Configured Reason: unsafe use of relative path MySQL Improperly Configured Reason: unsafe use of relative path python python

MySQL Improperly Configured Reason: unsafe use of relative path

In OS X El Capitan (10.11), Apple added System Integrity Protection.

This prevents programs in protected locations like /usr from calling a shared library that uses a relative reference to another shared library. In the case of, it contains a relative reference to the shared library libmysqlclient.18.dylib.

In the future, the shared library may be updated. Until then, you can force it to use an absolute reference via the install_name_tool utility.

Assuming that libmysqlclient.18.dylib is in /usr/local/mysql/lib/, then run the command:

sudo install_name_tool -change libmysqlclient.18.dylib \  /usr/local/mysql/lib/libmysqlclient.18.dylib \  /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/

If there are lots of relative paths to be fixed for something (as happened with me for opencv library). You can use the following snippet:

Change the ABSPATH and LIBPATHS accordingly. It will create rPathChangeCmd.txt which you can paste in the terminal. It will also create rPathChangeErr.txt in case of any errors. I would suggest check error file (if created) before pasting the commands.

import globimport subprocessimport os.pathABSPATH = "/usr/local/lib/"  # absolute path to relative libraries# libraries to correctLIBPATHS = ['/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/', '/usr/local/lib/libopencv*'] PREFIX = 'sudo install_name_tool -change 'assert(ABSPATH.startswith('/') and ABSPATH.endswith('/'),     'please provide absolute library path ending with /')libs = []for path in LIBPATHS:  libs += glob.glob(path)cmd =  []err = []for lib in libs:  if not os.path.isfile(lib):    err.append(lib+" library not found") # glob should take care  datastr = subprocess.check_output(['otool','-l','-v', lib])  data = datastr.split('\n')   for line in data:    ll = line.split()    if not ll: continue    if (ll[0] == 'name' and ll[1].endswith('.dylib') and not ll[1].startswith('/')):      libname = ll[1].split('/')[-1]      if os.path.isfile(ABSPATH+libname):          cmd.append(PREFIX+ll[1]+" "+ABSPATH+libname+' '+lib)      else:        err.append(ABSPATH+libname+" does not exist, hence can't correct: "+ll[1]+" in: "+lib)ohandle = open("rpathChangeCmd.txt", 'w')for lib in cmd:  ohandle.write(lib+'\n')ohandle.close()if err:  ehandle = open("rpathChangeErr.txt", 'w')  for e in err:    ehandle.write(e+'\n')  ehandle.close()