opencv 3.0.0-dev python bindings not working properly opencv 3.0.0-dev python bindings not working properly python python

opencv 3.0.0-dev python bindings not working properly

the submodule got removed in opencv3.0, also some constants were changed.

please use cv2.CASCADE_SCALE_IMAGE instead

(do a help(cv2) to see the updated constants)

Apologies for the bump, but the above did not work for me, and I found an alternate "solution", but it may have unwanted side effects, given I know SFA about openCV.

The simple solution is just set it to 0.

  # Detect faces in the image
faces = faceCascade.detectMultiScale(    gray,    scaleFactor=1.1,    minNeighbors=5,    minSize=(30, 30),#    flags =    flags = 0)

As you can see... i just set it to 0 and could move on with my life.

I tried all number of combinations, and I couldn't get the CASCADE_SCALE_IMAGE working.

This openCV doco explaination gives me nadda, zip, nothing but confusion.

flags – Parameter with the same meaning for an old cascade as in the function cvHaarDetectObjects. It is not used for a new cascade.

That cleared it up...

Anyway, the example on openCV hard codes it to 0.