pandas dataframe select columns in multiindex [duplicate] pandas dataframe select columns in multiindex [duplicate] python python

pandas dataframe select columns in multiindex [duplicate]

There is a get_level_values method that you can use in conjunction with boolean indexing to get the the intended result.

In [13]:df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.random((4,4)))df.columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([[1,2],['A','B']])print df          1                   2                    A         B         A         B0  0.543980  0.628078  0.756941  0.6988241  0.633005  0.089604  0.198510  0.7835562  0.662391  0.541182  0.544060  0.0593813  0.841242  0.634603  0.815334  0.848120In [14]:print df.iloc[:, df.columns.get_level_values(1)=='A']          1         2          A         A0  0.543980  0.7569411  0.633005  0.1985102  0.662391  0.5440603  0.841242  0.815334

Method 1:

df.xs('A', level='Col', axis=1)

for more refer to

Method 2:

df.loc[:, (slice(None), 'A')]

Caveat: this method requires the labels to be sorted. for more refer to

EDIT*Best way now is to use indexSlice for multi-index selections

idx = pd.IndexSliceA = df.loc[:,idx[:,'A']]B = df.loc[:,idx[:,'B']]