Partially transparent scatter plot, but with a solid color bar Partially transparent scatter plot, but with a solid color bar python python

Partially transparent scatter plot, but with a solid color bar

Alright, I found one way to do it, that looks relatively clean: (using the ColorBar object from the question)

color_bar.set_alpha(1)color_bar.draw_all()# pylab.draw() or pyplot.draw() might be necessary

It would be great to get a confirmation that this is the most robust way to proceed, though! :)

This is a huge, ugly hack. But no other way would work. Maybe someone else can improve.

fig1 = pylab.figure()fig2 = pylab.figure()ax1 = fig1.add_subplot(111)ax2 = fig2.add_subplot(111)ax1.scatter(range(10), range(10), c=range(10), alpha=0.2)im = ax2.scatter(range(10), range(10), c=range(10), alpha=1.0)fig1.colorbar(im, ax=ax1)

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