Performance effect of using print statements in Python script Performance effect of using print statements in Python script python python

Performance effect of using print statements in Python script

Tried doing it in a very simple script just for fun, the difference is quite staggering:


target =  open('target.txt', 'w')for item in xrange(4000000):    target.write(str(item)+'\n')    print item

Timing it:

[gp@imdev1 /tmp]$ time python large.pyreal    1m51.690suser    0m10.531ssys     0m6.129sgp@imdev1 /tmp]$ ls -lah target.txt -rw-rw-r--. 1 gp gp 30M Nov  8 16:06 target.txt

Now running the same with "print" commented out:

gp@imdev1 /tmp]$ time python real    0m2.584suser    0m2.536ssys     0m0.040s

Yes it affects performance.I wrote a small program to demonstrate-

import timestart_time=time.time()for i in range(100):    for j in range(100):        for k in range(100):            print(i,j,k)print(time.time()-start_time)input()

The time measured was-160.2812204496765Then I replaced the print statement by pass. The results were shocking. The measured time without print was- 0.26517701148986816.