PIL: DLL load failed: specified procedure could not be found PIL: DLL load failed: specified procedure could not be found python python

PIL: DLL load failed: specified procedure could not be found

I had this problem as well with Python 3.6. I just avoided the problem by uninstalling pillow (4.1.0) and then installing an older version of pillow (4.0.0). It seems to run okay with the older version.

As in Sean's answer, I had to uninstall (I'm using Anaconda Python 3.6, BTW) with

conda uninstall pillow

I tried it with PIL, but there was no such package. Uninstalling pillow also meant uninstalling packages that depend on it, in my case "anaconda-navigator" and "scikit-image". After I reinstalled Pillow 4.0.0 with

 conda install pillow=4.0.0

and tested it with

python -c "from PIL import Image"

which, if successful, you don't see an error message, I reinstalled the packages that were uninstalled along with Pillow 4.1.0.

conda install anaconda-navigatorconda install scikit-image

If you're using Anaconda, try

conda uninstall pillow and then pip install pillow

Came across this issue while working on Caffe2 on Windows 10 (Anaconda 4.5) and this worked for me. Here's the github post on this issue.