PIP: Installing only the dependencies PIP: Installing only the dependencies python python

PIP: Installing only the dependencies

If your dependencies are defined in the setup.py file, you can first dump them to an external file using:

python setup.py egg_info

This will list all your dependencies in YOUR_PROJECT.egg-info/requires.txt file. Then you can install them using pip:

pip install -r *.egg-info/requires.txt

In my package root issuing pip install -e . installs dependencies.

You should use the pip requirements file.

Essentially, place all your requirements, one in each line in a file and pass that to pip using the command

pip install -r requirements.txt

What more, if you have a standard environment, pip can actually dump such a file from existing installs using the command:

pip freeze

You can put the file thus generated directly into the pip requirements, and call the previous command from your deployment script.

Pretty cool, isnt it? :)