'pip' is not recognized 'pip' is not recognized python python

'pip' is not recognized

This error shows up on windows when one tries to use pip in the command prompt. To solve this error on windows, you must declare path variable by following these steps:

Step 1 - Right click on My Computer or This PC
Step 2 - Click on Properties
Step 3 - Click on Advanced System Settings

You will find a section called system variables.
Click on Path from the list of variable and values that shows up there.
After clicking on path click edit. You will find a New button in the pop up.
Click that and paste the location of the python35 or python36 folder (The location you specified while installing python) followed by “\Scripts” there.
For me its “C:\Users\a610580\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python35-32”
so I type “C:\Users\a610580\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python35-32\Scripts”
Click Ok to close all windows and restart your command prompt.
I repeat - restart your command prompt.

Everything should now be working fine! Make sure you don’t disturb anything else in the path variable and follow the aforementioned steps exactly. Alternatively you can watch this video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jw_MuM2BOuIHappy coding!

That's because the path where pip.exe is, is not in your system PATH variable so cmd can't find pip a simple fix will be to change to the directory where pip.exe and run if from there like this

cd C:\Python27\Scripts

But a better solution is to add it to your PATH variable. Open Command prompt with admin rights and run

setx path "%PATH%;C:\Python27\Scripts;"

that adds python to your PATH, you can check the lists of paths in your path variable by running

echo %path%

You should see your newly added path there. Don't forget to restart command prompt after you're done.

Now you should be able to run pip.

Basiclly, You need to add the path of your pip installation to your PATH system variable.

First Option

Download pip by modifying the Pyton Installation.

Step 1 - Open Apps & Features

Step 2 - Find Python and click on it

Step 3 - Press Modify

Step 4 - Select pip

Step 5 - Select Add Python to environment variables and install everything

This will install pip and add both, Python and pip to your envirnoment variables.

Second Option

By default, pip is installed in C:\Python34\Scripts\pip

To add the path of your pip installation to your PATH variable follow theese steps.

Step 1 - Search for environment variables and open Edit the system environment variables

Step 2 - Open Environment Variables...

Step 3 - Find your PATH variable and select Edit

Step 4 - Paste the location to your pip installation (By default, it's C:\Python34\Scripts\pip)