pipeline in docker exec from command line and from python api pipeline in docker exec from command line and from python api python python

pipeline in docker exec from command line and from python api

You are almost there, you just need to add the -i flag to make the pipe work:

-i, --interactive    Keep STDIN open even if not attacheddocker exec -i container-name mysqldump [options] database > database.sql.xz

I replaced the pipe by a file redirection but it will work the same with a Pipe. Just make sure to don't use the -t option as this will break it.


To import back the sql dump into mysql:

docker exec -i container-name mysql [options] database < database.sql.xz

This little script will detect if I am running mysql in a pipe or not:

#!/bin/bashif [ -t 0 ]; then    docker exec -it container-name mysql "$@"else    docker exec -i container-name mysql "$@"fi