Portable way of detecting number of *usable* CPUs in Python Portable way of detecting number of *usable* CPUs in Python python python

Portable way of detecting number of *usable* CPUs in Python

I don't think you will get any truly portable answers, so I will give a correct one.

The correct* answer for Linux is len(os.sched_getaffinity(pid)), where pid may be 0 for the current process. This function is exposed in Python 3.3 and later; if you need it in earlier, you'll have to do some fancy cffi coding.

Edit: you might try to see if you can use a function int omp_get_num_procs(); if it exists, it is the only meaningful answer I found on this question but I haven't tried it from Python.

Use psutil:

from the doc https://psutil.readthedocs.io/en/latest/:

>>> import psutil>>> psutil.cpu_count()4>>> psutil.cpu_count(logical=False)  # Ignoring virtual cores2

This is portable

Here's an approach that gets the number of available CPU cores for the current process on systems that implement sched_getaffinity, and Windows:

import ctypesimport ctypes.wintypesimport osfrom platform import systemdef num_available_cores() -> int:    if hasattr(os, 'sched_getaffinity'):        return len(os.sched_getaffinity(0))    elif system() == 'Windows':        kernel32 = ctypes.WinDLL('kernel32')        DWORD_PTR = ctypes.wintypes.WPARAM        PDWORD_PTR = ctypes.POINTER(DWORD_PTR)        GetCurrentProcess = kernel32.GetCurrentProcess        GetCurrentProcess.restype = ctypes.wintypes.HANDLE        GetProcessAffinityMask = kernel32.GetProcessAffinityMask        GetProcessAffinityMask.argtypes = (ctypes.wintypes.HANDLE, PDWORD_PTR, PDWORD_PTR)        mask = DWORD_PTR()        if not GetProcessAffinityMask(GetCurrentProcess(), ctypes.byref(mask), ctypes.byref(DWORD_PTR())):            raise Exception("Call to 'GetProcessAffinityMask' failed")        return bin(mask.value).count('1')    else:        raise Exception('Cannot determine the number of available cores')

On Linux and any other systems that implement sched_getaffinity, we use Python's built-in wrapper for it.

On Windows we use ctypes to call GetProcessAffinityMask.

As far as I know there are no user APIs or tools to get/set the CPU affinity on macOS. In most cases os.cpu_count() will work fine, but if you truly need the number of available cores you may be out of luck.