Possible to change a function's repr in python? Possible to change a function's repr in python? python python

Possible to change a function's repr in python?

Yes, if you're willing to forgo the function actually being a function.

First, define a class for our new type:

import functoolsclass reprwrapper(object):    def __init__(self, repr, func):        self._repr = repr        self._func = func        functools.update_wrapper(self, func)    def __call__(self, *args, **kw):        return self._func(*args, **kw)    def __repr__(self):        return self._repr(self._func)

Add in a decorator function:

def withrepr(reprfun):    def _wrap(func):        return reprwrapper(reprfun, func)    return _wrap

And now we can define the repr along with the function:

@withrepr(lambda x: "<Func: %s>" % x.__name__)def mul42(y):    return y*42

Now repr(mul42) produces '<Func: mul42>'

No, because repr(f) is done as type(f).__repr__(f) instead.

In order to do that, you'd need to change the __repr__ function for the given class, which in this case is the built-in function class (types.FunctionType). Since in Python you cannot edit built-in classes, only subclass them, you cannot.

However, there are two approaches you could follow:

  1. Wrap some functions as kwatford suggested
  2. Create your own representation protocol with your own repr function. For example, you could define a myrepr function that looks for __myrepr__ methods first, which you cannot add to the function class but you can add it to individual function objects as you suggest (as well as your custom classes and objects), then defaults to repr if __myrepr__ is not found. A possible implementation for this would be:

    def myrepr(x):  try:    x.__myrepr__  except AttributeError:    return repr(x)  else:    return x.__myrepr__()

    Then you could define __myrepr__ methods and use the myrepr function. Alternatively, you could also do __builtins__.repr = myrepr to make your function the default repr and keep using repr. This approach would end up doing exactly what you want, though editing __builtins__ may not always be desirable.