"Pretty" Continuous Integration for Python "Pretty" Continuous Integration for Python python python

"Pretty" Continuous Integration for Python

You might want to check out Nose and the Xunit output plugin. You can have it run your unit tests, and coverage checks with this command:

nosetests --with-xunit --enable-cover

That'll be helpful if you want to go the Jenkins route, or if you want to use another CI server that has support for JUnit test reporting.

Similarly you can capture the output of pylint using the violations plugin for Jenkins

Don't know if it would do : Bitten is made by the guys who write Trac and is integrated with Trac. Apache Gump is the CI tool used by Apache. It is written in Python.

We've had great success with TeamCity as our CI server and using nose as our test runner. Teamcity plugin for nosetests gives you count pass/fail, readable display for failed test( that can be E-Mailed). You can even see details of the test failures while you stack is running.

If of course supports things like running on multiple machines, and it's much simpler to setup and maintain than buildbot.