Print 'std err' value from statsmodels OLS results Print 'std err' value from statsmodels OLS results python python

Print 'std err' value from statsmodels OLS results

Applying the answer given here I used dir() to print all the attributes of the results object.

After that I searched for the one that contained the std err value and it turned out to be:

print results.bse

(Not sure what the b stands for in bse, but I guess the se stands for "standard error")

results.bse provides standard errors for the coefficients, identical to those listed in results.summary().

The standard error of the regression is obtained using results.scale**.5.

Also identical to np.sqrt(np.sum(results.resid**2)/results.df_resid), where results is your fitted model.

The following function can be used to get an overview of the regression analysis result. The parameter ols_model is the regression model generated by statsmodels.formula.api. The output is a pandas data frame saving the regression coefficient, standard errors, p values, number of observations, AIC, and adjusted rsquared. The standard errors are saved in brackets. ***, **, and * represent 0.001, 0.01, 0.1 significance level:

def output_regres_result(ols_model, variable_list: list):    """    Create a pandas dataframe saving the regression analysis result    :param ols_model: a linear model containing the regression result.    type: statsmodels.regression.linear_model.RegressionResultsWrapper    :param variable_list: a list of interested variable names    :return: a pandas dataframe saving the regression coefficient, pvalues, standard errors, aic,    number of observations, adjusted r squared    """    coef_dict = ols_model.params.to_dict()  # coefficient dictionary    pval_dict = ols_model.pvalues.to_dict()  # pvalues dictionary    std_error_dict = ols_model.bse.to_dict()  # standard error dictionary    num_observs = # number of observations    aic_val = round(ols_model.aic, 2) # aic value    adj_rsqured = round(ols_model.rsquared_adj, 3) # adjusted rsqured    info_index = ['Num', 'AIC', 'Adjusted R2']    index_list = variable_list + info_index    for variable in variable_list:        assert variable in coef_dict, 'Something wrong with variable name!'    coef_vals = []    for variable in variable_list:        std_val = std_error_dict[variable]        coef_val = coef_dict[variable]        p_val = pval_dict[variable]        if p_val <= 0.01:            coef_vals.append('{}***({})'.format(round(coef_val, 4), round(std_val, 3)))        elif 0.01 < p_val <= 0.05:            coef_vals.append('{}**({})'.format(round(coef_val, 4), round(std_val, 3)))        elif 0.05 < p_val <= 0.1:            coef_vals.append('{}*({})'.format(round(coef_val, 4), round(std_val, 3)))        else:            coef_vals.append('{}({})'.format(round(coef_val, 4), round(std_val, 3)))    coef_vals.extend([num_observs, aic_val, adj_rsqured])    result_data = pd.DataFrame()    result_data['coef'] = coef_vals    result_data_reindex = result_data.set_index(pd.Index(index_list))    return result_data_reindex