Programmatically convert pandas dataframe to markdown table Programmatically convert pandas dataframe to markdown table python python

Programmatically convert pandas dataframe to markdown table

Improving the answer further, for use in IPython Notebook:

def pandas_df_to_markdown_table(df):    from IPython.display import Markdown, display    fmt = ['---' for i in range(len(df.columns))]    df_fmt = pd.DataFrame([fmt], columns=df.columns)    df_formatted = pd.concat([df_fmt, df])    display(Markdown(df_formatted.to_csv(sep="|", index=False)))pandas_df_to_markdown_table(infodf)

Or use tabulate:

pip install tabulate

Examples of use are in the documentation.

I recommend python-tabulate library for generating ascii-tables. The library supports pandas.DataFrame as well.

Here is how to use it:

from pandas import DataFramefrom tabulate import tabulatedf = DataFrame({    "weekday": ["monday", "thursday", "wednesday"],    "temperature": [20, 30, 25],    "precipitation": [100, 200, 150],}).set_index("weekday")print(tabulate(df, tablefmt="pipe", headers="keys"))


| weekday   |   temperature |   precipitation ||:----------|--------------:|----------------:|| monday    |            20 |             100 || thursday  |            30 |             200 || wednesday |            25 |             150 |

Pandas 1.0 was released 29 january 2020 and supports markdown conversion, so you can now do this directly!

Example taken from the docs:

df = pd.DataFrame({"A": [1, 2, 3], "B": [1, 2, 3]}, index=['a', 'a', 'b'])print(df.to_markdown())
|    |   A |   B ||:---|----:|----:|| a  |   1 |   1 || a  |   2 |   2 || b  |   3 |   3 |

Or without the index:

print(df.to_markdown(index=False)) # use 'showindex' for pandas < 1.1
|   A |   B ||----:|----:||   1 |   1 ||   2 |   2 ||   3 |   3 |