py.test SetUp/TearDown for whole test suite py.test SetUp/TearDown for whole test suite python python

py.test SetUp/TearDown for whole test suite

You could use pytest-xvfb instead of messing with this… It would be easier.

It is actually fairly simple. Create a file called in your project root which contains this:

import pytestimport osimport subprocessimport tempfile@pytest.fixture(scope="session", autouse=True)def start_xvfb_server (request):    tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()    xvfb_cmd = ['Xvfb',                ':1022',                '-screen', '0', '800x600x24',                '-fbdir', tempdir,                '-noreset'    ]    xvfb_proc = subprocess.Popen(xvfb_cmd,            stdout=open(os.devnull),            stderr=open(os.devnull),            shell=False    )    request.addfinalizer(xvfb_proc.kill)

Now, all you have to do is to set up each tests to set the DISPLAY to 1022 which is trivial to do.

Alternatively, you can simply define setUpClass / tearDownClass methods, as described in the unittest module documentation:

Since py.test v2.4, they are fully supported.This official documentation page also documents all xunit-style compatible methods: