PyMysql UPDATE query PyMysql UPDATE query python python

PyMysql UPDATE query

When you execute your update, MySQL is implicitly starting a transaction. You need to commit this transaction by calling connection.commit() after you execute your update to keep the transaction from automatically rolling back when you disconnect.

MySQL (at least when using the InnoDB engine for tables) supports transactions, which allow you to run a series of update/insert statements then have them either all commit at once effectively as a single operation, or rollback so that none are applied. If you do not explicitly commit a transaction, it will rollback automatically when you close your connection to the database.

In fact, what @JoeDay has described above has little to do with default MySQL transaction's behaviour. MySQL by default operates in auto-commit mode and normally you don't need any additional twist to persist your changes:

By default, MySQL runs with autocommit mode enabled. This means that as soon as you execute a statement that updates (modifies) a table, MySQL stores the update on disk to make it permanent. The change cannot be rolled back.

PEP-249's (DB API) authors decided to complicate things and break Zen of Python by making a transaction's start implicit, by proposing auto-commit to be disabled by default.

What I suggest to do, is to restore MySQL's default behaviour. And use transactions explicitly, only when you need them.

import pymysqlconnection = pymysql.connect(autocommit=True)

I've also written about it here with a few references.