pyqt: how to remove a widget? pyqt: how to remove a widget? python python

pyqt: how to remove a widget?

If your widget have no child widgets that depend on it i think you can use:

layout.removeWidget(self.widget_name)self.widget_name.deleteLater()self.widget_name = None

in my tests when it is a widget that have childs you have to:

import siplayout.removeWidget(self.widget_name)sip.delete(self.widget_name)self.widget_name = None

if you don't have a variable name for the widget at class or global level you still can remove from layout with layout.takeAt(index) and get the widget pointer from the QLayoutItem this functions returns with QLayoutItem.widget() method, in that case you don't need to assign to None the variable name because it is not referenced outside your function.

Try both methods and see what works for you (don't leak memory after repeat a good bunch of times).

Well, this works: on the widget i want to remove, call widget.setParent(None). I like how adding to a layout adds a widget to the container, but removing from a layout doesn't... fun stuff.