pytest fixtures in a separate directory pytest fixtures in a separate directory python python

pytest fixtures in a separate directory

Please add the following in your

  import pytest  pytest_plugins = [   "fixtures.conftest",   "fixtures.fixture_cifs",   "fixtures.fixture_ftp",   "fixtures.fixture_service"  ]

This ensures that all fixtures declared under fixtures/ will be found by pytest

As a note that the respective directories referred to in fixtures.conftest" need to have files for the plugins to be loaded by pytest

A similar case can be seen here:

Try importing your fixtures in project/conftest.pyif that is what you mean by "wrappers to return an instance"

read here how structure your test.

Your fixture directory doesn't seem to be part of a package (project does not have so cannot be imported as project.fixtures either as fixtures as it is not in the path.You can add required dirs in the path in your tests/ (sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), os.pardir, "fixtures")) or sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), os.pardir) depending how how you want import your modules.