python 2.7: cannot pip on windows "bash: pip: command not found" python 2.7: cannot pip on windows "bash: pip: command not found" python python

python 2.7: cannot pip on windows "bash: pip: command not found"

On Windows, pip lives in C:\[pythondir]\scripts.

So you'll need to add that to your system path in order to run it from the command prompt. You could alternatively cd into that directory each time, but that's a hassle.

See the top answer here for info on how to do that:Adding Python Path on Windows 7

Also, that is a terrifying way to install pip. Grab it from Christophe Gohlke. Grab everything else from there for that matter.

As long as pip lives within the scripts folder you can run

python -m pip ....

This will tell python to get pip from inside the scripts folder. This is also a good way to have both python2.7 and pyhton3.5 on you computer and have them in different locations. I currently have both python2 and pyhton3 installed on windows. When I type python it defaults to python2. But if I type python3 I can use python3. (I also had to change the python.exe file for python3 to "python3.exe")If I need to install flask for python 2 I can run

python -m pip install flask

and it will be installed in the pyhton2 folder, but if I need flask for python 3 I run:

python3 -m pip install flask

and I now have it in the python3 folder

  1. press [win] + Pause
  2. Advanced settings
  3. System variables
  4. Append ;C:\python27\Scripts to the end of Path variable
  5. Restart console