Python: argparse optional arguments without dashes Python: argparse optional arguments without dashes python python

Python: argparse optional arguments without dashes

There is no way to get argparse to do this for you. However, you can make argparse accept any number of positional arguments:


Of course, you may want to add some checks to make sure that at least 1 file was given, etc.


I'm still not 100% sure what you want here, but if file1 and file2 are literal strings, you can work around that a little bit by preprocessing sys.argv. Of course, this will still format your help message strangely, but you can always add an epilog explaining that either form is OK:

import argparseimport sysmangle_args=('file1','file2')arguments=['--'+arg if arg in mangle_args else arg for arg in sys.argv[1:]]parser=argparse.ArgumentParser()parser.add_argument('--file1')parser.add_argument('--file2')options=parser.parse_args(arguments)

Another Example would be:

train.pyimport argparseif __name__ == '__main__':    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Arguments for wake_word")    parser.add_argument('data', type=str, help="path to data")    parser.add_argument('output', type=str, help="model save path")    parser.add_argument('batch_size', type=int, help="batch size")    parser.add_argument('epochs', type=int, help="no.s of epochs")    args = parser.parse_args()print( + args.output + args.batch_size + args.epochs)

then you can just run this code with arguments without dash /path/to/data/ /path/to/output_files/ 128 100

And, in ascending order

Had same problem. My workaround is:

lastarg = sys.argv[-1]if len(sys.argv) > 1 and lastarg[0] != '-':    sys.argv[-1] = '-file'    sys.argv.append(lastarg)argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser()argparser.add_argument('-d', action='store_true')argparser.add_argument('-nrv', action='store_true')argparser.add_argument('-file', type=str, default='')args = argparser.parse_args()