Python AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'Serial' [duplicate] Python AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'Serial' [duplicate] python python

Python AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'Serial' [duplicate]

I'm adding this solution for people who make the same mistake as I did.

In most cases: rename your project file '' and delete serial.pyc if exists, then you can do simple 'import serial' without attribute error.

Problem occurs when you import 'something' when your python file name is ''.

I accidentally installed 'serial' (sudo python -m pip install serial) instead of 'pySerial' (sudo python -m pip install pyserial), which lead to the same error.

If the previously mentioned solutions did not work for you, double check if you installed the correct library.

You're importing the module, not the class. So, you must write:

from serial import Serial

You need to install serial module correctly: pip install pyserial.