Python code folding with Vim Python code folding with Vim python python

Python code folding with Vim


Because of its reliance on significant whitespace rather than explicit block delimiters, properly folding Python code can be tricky. The Python syntax definition that comes bundled with Vim doesn't contain any fold directives at all, and the simplest workaround is to :set foldmethod=indent, which usually ends up folding a lot more than you really want it to.

There's no shortage of Vim plugins for improved Python folding, but most seem to suffer from cobbled-together algorithms with bizarre, intractable bugs in the corner cases. SimpylFold aims to be exactly what its name suggests: simple, correct folding for Python. It's nothing more than it needs to be: it properly folds class and function/method definitions, and leaves your loops and conditional blocks untouched. There's no BS involved: no screwing around with unrelated options (which several of the other plugins do), no choice of algorithms to scratch your head over (because there's only one that's correct); it just works, simply.

I almost always use set foldmethod=indent and it does almost what you want it to do (except for folding the class global variables).

see the help for how to tweak it.

I have been looking for the same thing, a folding method for python that leaves the entire method signature even when it spans multiple lines. This script worked for me. However, to get multiple line signatures to work, you'll want to add "let g:ifold_mode=2" to your .vimrc file.

I haven't used this script very long, so there may be other issues with it. Good luck!