Python Conditional "With" Lock Design Python Conditional "With" Lock Design python python

Python Conditional "With" Lock Design

Just use a threading.RLock which is re-entrant meaning it can be acquired multiple times by the same thread.

For clarity, the RLock is used in the with statements, just like in your sample code:

lock = threading.RLock()def func1():    with lock:        func2()def func2():    with lock: # this does not block even though the lock is acquired already        print 'hello world'

As far as whether or not this is bad design, we'd need more context. Why both of the functions need to acquire the lock? When is func2 called by something other than func1?

The Python or is short circuiting so you can make the locking conditional:

def somethingElse(self, hasLock = False):    #I want this to be conditional...    with hasLock or self.my_lock:          print 'i hate hello worlds'

Unfortunately it's not quite that easy, because a boolean isn't a valid return from a with statement. You'll need to create a class with the __enter__ and __exit__ to wrap the boolean True value.

Here's one possible implementation that I haven't tested.

from contextlib import contextmanager@contextmanagerdef withTrue():    yield Truedef withbool(condition):    if condition:        return withTrue()    return Falsedef somethingElse(self, hasLock = False):    with withbool(hasLock) or self.my_lock():          print 'i hate hello worlds'

This is a lot of boilerplate for something so simple, so the RLock solution looks like a winner. This solution might be useful in a different context though.

Using with statement is better than just acquire() and release() functions. This way, if an error occurs, the locks will be released.