Python convert decimal to hex Python convert decimal to hex python python

Python convert decimal to hex

What about this:



>>> d = 30>>> hex(d).split('x')[-1]'1e'


By using -1 in the result of split(), this would work even if split returned a list of 1 element.

This isn't exactly what you asked for but you can use the "hex" function in python:

>>> hex(15)'0xf'

If you want to code this yourself instead of using the built-in function hex(), you can simply do the recursive call before you print the current digit:

def ChangeHex(n):    if (n < 0):        print(0)    elif (n<=1):        print n,    else:        ChangeHex( n / 16 )        x =(n%16)        if (x < 10):            print(x),         if (x == 10):            print("A"),        if (x == 11):            print("B"),        if (x == 12):            print("C"),        if (x == 13):            print("D"),        if (x == 14):            print("E"),        if (x == 15):            print ("F"),