Python debugger (pdb) stopped handlying up/down arrows, shows ^[[A instead Python debugger (pdb) stopped handlying up/down arrows, shows ^[[A instead python python

Python debugger (pdb) stopped handlying up/down arrows, shows ^[[A instead

Looks like from some reason you are missing the readline package.Simply install it by typing pip install readline and it should behave as expected. Remember to type it as superuser if you're not in venv.

I found this problem exists when outputting to both console and file using python 2>&1 | tee output.txt:

How to redirect stdout to both file and console with scripting?

After removing 2>&1 | tee output.txt, this problem (up arrow becomes ^[[A in pdb) disappear.

See Python interactive mode history and arrow keys. In my case, Amadan's answer worked; I already had the readline module.