Python debugging: get filename and line number from which a function is called? Python debugging: get filename and line number from which a function is called? python python

Python debugging: get filename and line number from which a function is called?

The function inspect.stack() returns a list of frame records, starting with the caller and moving out, which you can use to get the information you want:

from inspect import getframeinfo, stackdef debuginfo(message):    caller = getframeinfo(stack()[1][0])    print("%s:%d - %s" % (caller.filename, caller.lineno, message)) # python3 syntax printdef grr(arg):    debuginfo(arg)      # <-- stack()[1][0] for this linegrr("aargh")            # <-- stack()[2][0] for this line

Output: - aargh

If you put your trace code in another function, and call that from your main code, then you need to make sure you get the stack information from the grandparent, not the parent or the trace function itself

Below is a example of 3 level deep system to further clarify what I mean. My main function calls a trace function, which calls yet another function to do the work.

######################################import sys, os, inspect, timetime_start = 0.0                    # initial start timedef trace_libary_init():    global time_start    time_start = time.time()      # when the program starteddef trace_library_do(relative_frame, msg=""):    global time_start    time_now = time.time()        # relative_frame is 0 for current function (this one),         # 1 for direct parent, or 2 for grand parent..     total_stack         = inspect.stack()                   # total complete stack    total_depth         = len(total_stack)                  # length of total stack    frameinfo           = total_stack[relative_frame][0]    # info on rel frame    relative_depth      = total_depth - relative_frame      # length of stack there        # Information on function at the relative frame number    func_name           = frameinfo.f_code.co_name    filename            = os.path.basename(frameinfo.f_code.co_filename)    line_number         = frameinfo.f_lineno                # of the call    func_firstlineno    = frameinfo.f_code.co_firstlineno    fileline            = "%s:%d" % (filename, line_number)    time_diff           = time_now - time_start    print("%13.6f %-20s %-24s %s" % (time_diff, fileline, func_name, msg))################################def trace_do(msg=""):    trace_library_do(1, "trace within interface function")    trace_library_do(2, msg)    # any common tracing stuff you might want to do...################################def main(argc, argv):    rc=0    trace_libary_init()    for i in range(3):        trace_do("this is at step %i" %i)        time.sleep((i+1) * 0.1)         # in 1/10's of a second    return rcrc=main(sys.argv.__len__(), sys.argv)sys.exit(rc)

This will print something like:

$ python     0.000005           trace_do         trace within interface func    0.001231           main             this is at step 0    0.101541           trace_do         trace within interface func    0.101900           main             this is at step 1    0.302469           trace_do         trace within interface func    0.302828           main             this is at step 2

The trace_library_do() function at the top is an example of something that you can drop into a library, and then call it from other tracing functions. The relative depth value controls which entry in the python stack gets printed.

I showed pulling out a few other interesting values in that function, like the line number of start of the function, the total stack depth, and the full path to the file. I didn't show it, but the global and local variables in the function are also available in inspect, as well as the full stack trace to all other functions below yours. There is more than enough information with what I am showing above to make hierarchical call/return timing traces. It's actually not that much further to creating the main parts of your own source level debugger from here -- and it's all mostly just sitting there waiting to be used.

I'm sure someone will object that I'm using internal fields with data returned by the inspect structures, as there may well be access functions that do this same thing for you. But I found them in by stepping through this type of code in a python debugger, and they work at least here. I'm running python 2.7.12, your results might very if you are running a different version.

In any case, I strongly recommend that you import the inspect code into some python code of your own, and look at what it can provide you -- Especially if you can single step through your code in a good python debugger. You will learn a lot on how python works, and get to see both the benefits of the language, and what is going on behind the curtain to make that possible.

Full source level tracing with timestamps is a great way to enhance your understanding of what your code is doing, especially in more of a dynamic real time environment. The great thing about this type of trace code is that once it's written, you don't need debugger support to see it.

Just put the code you posted into a function:

from inspect import currentframe, getframeinfodef my_custom_debuginfo(message):    print getframeinfo(currentframe()).filename + ':' + str(getframeinfo(currentframe()).lineno) + ' - ', message

and then use it as you want:

# ... some code here ...my_custom_debuginfo('what I actually want to print out here')# ... more code ...

I recommend you put that function in a separate module, that way you can reuse it every time you need it.