python difflib comparing files python difflib comparing files python python

python difflib comparing files

Just parse output of diff like this (change '- ' to '+ ' if needed):

#!/usr/bin/env python# difflib_testimport difflibfile1 = open('/home/saad/Code/test/new_tweets', 'r')file2 = open('/home/saad/PTITVProgs', 'r')diff = difflib.ndiff(file1.readlines(), file2.readlines())delta = ''.join(x[2:] for x in diff if x.startswith('- '))print delta

There are multiple diff styles and different functions exist for them in the difflib library. unified_diff, ndiff and context_diff.

If you don't want the line number summaries, ndiff function gives a Differ-style delta:

import difflibf1 = '''12345'''f2 = '''13456'''diff = difflib.ndiff(f1,f2)for l in diff:    print(l)


  1- 2            3            4            5   + 6


You could also parse the diff to extract only the changes if that's what you want:

>>>changes = [l for l in diff if l.startswith('+ ') or l.startswith('- ')]>>>for c in changes:       print(c)>>>- 2+ 6