Python docstrings to GitHub Python docstrings to GitHub python python

Python docstrings to GitHub

The other answers are great. But I thought I (the OP) ought to share what I do these days (a year or two after the question).

I use Sphinx and its Markdown extension. Do the following:


You need sphinx-markdown-builder python module.

 pip install sphinx sphinx-markdown-builder;

Run Sphinx

Not the autodoc, the apidoc!

sphinx-apidoc -o Sphinx-docs . sphinx-apidoc --full -A 'Matteo Ferla'; cd Sphinx-docs;


Fix the file, by following the following or just lazily copy paste the echo command below.


First uncomment the lines. These are otherwise commented out.

import osimport syssys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('../'))

Note the change to ../

One weirdness is that the magic methods get ignored. To override this, add this anywhere:

def skip(app, what, name, obj, would_skip, options):    if name in ( '__init__',):        return False    return would_skipdef setup(app):    app.connect('autodoc-skip-member', skip)

A thing to note: The docstrings ought to be written in restructuredtext (RST). If they are in Markdown, you need to add a mod - see this. The two are similar, but different. For example, a single backquote is required for <code> in Markdown, while two are for RST. If in doubt, several blog posts discuss the merits of RST documentation over Markdown.


RST typehints (:type variable: List) are obsolete as proper typehinting def foo(variable: Optional[List[int]]=None) -> Dict[str,int]: has been introduced since 3.6. To make these work:

 pip install sphinx-autodoc-typehints

And add 'sphinx_autodoc_typehints' at the end of the extensions list. Note the package has hyphens while the module has underscores.


Copy paste this:

echo " import osimport syssys.path.insert(0,os.path.abspath('../'))def skip(app, what, name, obj,would_skip, options):    if name in ( '__init__',):        return False    return would_skipdef setup(app):    app.connect('autodoc-skip-member', skip)extensions.append('sphinx_autodoc_typehints') " >>;


Then it is showtime.

make markdown;

Copy the files and clean however you fancy.

mv _build/markdown/* ../; rm -r Sphinx-docs;


It should be noted that when new files are added, the apidoc command needs to be repeated. Nevertheless, I highly recommend generating documentation midway as I realise I am doing something wrong.

I have found some other options for doing this:

Little convenience tool to extract docstrings from a module or class and convert them to GitHub Flavoured Markdown. Its purpose is to quickly generate files for small projects.

This module provides a command line tool for parsing a Python file and generating nice looking markdown with your function definitions. It's extremely opinionated and rigid! But also extremely easy to use.

I have a little bit of code that I use to generate an index file from a project. It's not exactly what you're looking for, but with a little wiggle you could add an if statement for py files (where I only have html and png) and grab the doc = "your DocStrings."...

# WARNING RUNNING THIS FILE WILL OVERIDE EXISTING FILE IN CWDimport osclass indexer:    path = "~"    username = "" # !!! Enter your github username in the provided quotes.    site = "http://"+username+""    proj = ""     # !!! Enter your repository name in provided quotes.    prod = []    loc=[]    def __init__(self,p):        self.path=p    def fprep(self,name):        name.replace(".","")        name.replace("\\","/")        return(name)    def refPrep(self):        ref ="/"+self.proj        for qw in self.loc:            ref+="/"+qw        return(ref)    def HtmlFrek(self,adir):        self.loc.append(adir)        os.chdir(adir)        pys = [f for f in os.listdir('.') if os.path.isfile(f) and f.split(".")[len(f.split("."))-1]=="py"]        for i in pys:            Open the file i get the __doc__ string and append it to ret        for k in folders:            if(k.__contains__(".")):                continue            ret+=self.HtmlFrek(k)        os.chdir("..")        del self.loc[len(self.loc)-1]        return(ret)    def HtmlProd(self):        ret = ""        pys = [f for f in os.listdir('.') if os.path.isfile(f) and f.split(".")[len(f.split("."))-1]=="py"]        for i in pys:            Open the file i get the __doc__ string and append it to ret        folders = [f for f in os.listdir(".") if not os.path.isfile(f)]        for k in folders:            if(k.__contains__(".")):                continue            ret+=self.HtmlFrek(k) = ret        return(ret)i = indexer(".")q=i.HtmlProd()#print i.prodw = open("","w")w.write(q)w.close()