Python ftplib - specify port Python ftplib - specify port python python

Python ftplib - specify port

>>> from ftplib import FTP>>> HOST = "localhost">>> PORT = 12345 # Set your desired port number>>> ftp = FTP()>>> ftp.connect(HOST, PORT)

After searching numerous solutions, a combination of the and the connect command solved my issue.

from ftplib import FTP_TLShost = 'host'port = 12345usr = 'user'pwd = 'password'ftps = FTP_TLS()ftps.connect(host, port)# Output: '220 Server ready for new user.'ftps.login(usr, pwd)# Output: '230 User usr logged in.'ftps.prot_p()# Output: '200 PROT command successful.'ftp.nlst()# Output: ['mysubdirectory', 'mydoc']

If you're using plain FTP instead of FTPS, just use ftplib.FTP instead.

Yes you can use connect

from ftplib import FTPmy_ftp = FTP()my_ftp.connect('localhost', 80) # 80 is the port for example