Python, GEOS and Shapely on Windows 64 Python, GEOS and Shapely on Windows 64 python python

Python, GEOS and Shapely on Windows 64

Anaconda/Miniconda users should install Shapely (and dependencies) with:

conda install shapely

As of 2020, other Python users can install binary wheels from PyPI with pip:

pip install shapely

(you may need --upgrade to get at least version 1.7.0, when binary wheels were added.) Note that binary wheels are not available for Python 2 on Windows.

Another resource for Windows users with Python installed from, Christoph Gohlke maintains an excellent pool of Unofficial Windows Binaries for Python. Download the Shapely wheels for 32- or 64-bit versions of Python, which includes GEOS dependencies.

see my answer here

on windows 10, python 3.6.5 64bit

  • install osgeo4w
  • add installed folder to path e.g. C:\OSGeo4W64\bin(must contain geos_c.dll)
  • restart command line

There is an version of Shapely available here that includes geos in the installer. Look at the bottom of the page.