Python: How can I inherit from the built-in list type? Python: How can I inherit from the built-in list type? python python

Python: How can I inherit from the built-in list type?

The list type usually does the actual initialisation of the list inside its __init__() method, as it is the convention for mutable types. You only need to overwrite __new__() when subtyping immutable types. While you can overwrite __new__() when subclassing list, there is not much point in doing so for your use case. It's easier to just overwrite __init__():

class MyList(list):    def __init__(self, *args):        list.__init__(self, *args)        self.append('FirstMen') = 'Westeros'

Also note that I recommend against using super() in this case. You want to call list.__init__() here, and not possibly anything else.

First of all, are you doing this as an exercise to understand __new__? If not, there is almost certainly a better way to do what you're trying to do. Could you explain what you'd like to achieve here?

That said, here's what's happening in your example:

  1. You invoke MyList([1,2,3,4])
  2. This first invokes MyList.__new__(MyList,[1,2,3,4])
  3. Your implementation calls list.__new__(MyList,[1,2,3,4])This returns a new instance of MyList, with no elements. list.__new__ does not populate the list. It leaves that to list.__init__, which is never called.
  4. Your __new__ method appends 'FirstMen' to the empty MyList instance.
  5. Your __new__ method returns the instance of MyList.
  6. MyList.__init__([1,2,3,4]) is invoked.
  7. It sets the name attribute to 'Westeros'.
  8. It returns.
  9. The instance is assigned to my_list and printed.

See here for an explanation of __new__: