Python - Is a dictionary slow to find frequency of each character? Python - Is a dictionary slow to find frequency of each character? python python

Python - Is a dictionary slow to find frequency of each character?

Performance comparison

Note: time in the table doesn't include the time it takes to load files.

| approach       | american-english, |      big.txt, | time w.r.t. defaultdict ||                |     time, seconds | time, seconds |                         ||----------------+-------------------+---------------+-------------------------|| Counter        |             0.451 |         3.367 |                     3.6 || setdefault     |             0.348 |         2.320 |                     2.5 || list           |             0.277 |         1.822 |                       2 || try/except     |             0.158 |         1.068 |                     1.2 || defaultdict    |             0.141 |         0.925 |                       1 || numpy          |             0.012 |         0.076 |                   0.082 || S.Mark's ext.  |             0.003 |         0.019 |                   0.021 || ext. in Cython |             0.001 |         0.008 |                  0.0086 |#+TBLFM: $4=$3/@7$3;%.2g

The files used: '/usr/share/dict/american-english' and 'big.txt'.

The script that compares 'Counter', 'setdefault', 'list', 'try/except', 'defaultdict', 'numpy', 'cython' -based, and @S.Mark's solutions is at

The fastest solution is Python extension written in Cython:

import cython@cython.locals(    chars=unicode,    i=cython.Py_ssize_t,    L=cython.Py_ssize_t[0x10000])def countchars_cython(chars):    for i in range(0x10000): # unicode code points > 0xffff are not supported        L[i] = 0    for c in chars:        L[c] += 1    return {unichr(i): L[i] for i in range(0x10000) if L[i]}

Previous comparison:

* python (dict) : 0.5  seconds* python (list) : 0.5  (ascii) (0.2 if read whole file in memory)* perl          : 0.5* python (numpy): 0.07 * c++           : 0.05* c             : 0.008 (ascii)

Input data:

$ tail /usr/share/dict/american-englishéclat'sélanélan'sémigréémigrésépéeépéesétudeétude'sétudes$ du -h /usr/share/dict/american-english912K    /usr/share/dict/american-english

python (Counter): 0.5 seconds

#!/usr/bin/env python3.1import collections, fileinput, textwrapchars = (ch for word in fileinput.input() for ch in word.rstrip())# faster (0.4s) but less flexible: chars = open(filename).read()print(textwrap.fill(str(collections.Counter(chars)), width=79))

Run it:

$ time -p python3.1 /usr/share/dict/american-english
Counter({'e': 87823, 's': 86620, 'i': 66548, 'a': 62778, 'n': 56696, 'r':56286, 't': 51588, 'o': 48425, 'l': 39914, 'c': 30020, 'd': 28068, 'u': 25810,"'": 24511, 'g': 22262, 'p': 20917, 'm': 20747, 'h': 18453, 'b': 14137, 'y':12367, 'f': 10049, 'k': 7800, 'v': 7573, 'w': 6924, 'z': 3088, 'x': 2082, 'M':1686, 'C': 1549, 'S': 1515, 'q': 1447, 'B': 1387, 'j': 1376, 'A': 1345, 'P':974, 'L': 912, 'H': 860, 'T': 858, 'G': 811, 'D': 809, 'R': 749, 'K': 656, 'E':618, 'J': 539, 'N': 531, 'W': 507, 'F': 502, 'O': 354, 'I': 344, 'V': 330, 'Z':150, 'Y': 140, 'é': 128, 'U': 117, 'Q': 63, 'X': 42, 'è': 29, 'ö': 12, 'ü': 12,'ó': 10, 'á': 10, 'ä': 7, 'ê': 6, 'â': 6, 'ñ': 6, 'ç': 4, 'å': 3, 'û': 3, 'í':2, 'ô': 2, 'Å': 1})real 0.44user 0.43sys 0.01

perl: 0.5 seconds

time -p perl -MData::Dumper -F'' -lanwe'$c{$_}++ for (@F);END{ $Data::Dumper::Terse = 1; $Data::Dumper::Indent = 0; print Dumper(\%c) }' /usr/share/dict/american-english


{'S' => 1515,'K' => 656,'' => 29,'d' => 28068,'Y' => 140,'E' => 618,'y' => 12367,'g' => 22262,'e' => 87823,'' => 2,'J' => 539,'' => 241,'' => 3,'' => 6,'' => 4,'' => 128,'D' => 809,'q' => 1447,'b' => 14137,'z' => 3088,'w' => 6924,'Q' => 63,'' => 10,'M' => 1686,'C' => 1549,'' => 10,'L' => 912,'X' => 42,'P' => 974,'' => 12,'\'' => 24511,'' => 6,'a' => 62778,'T' => 858,'N' => 531,'j' => 1376,'Z' => 150,'u' => 25810,'k' => 7800,'t' => 51588,'' => 6,'W' => 507,'v' => 7573,'s' => 86620,'B' => 1387,'H' => 860,'c' => 30020,'' => 12,'I' => 344,'' => 3,'G' => 811,'U' => 117,'F' => 502,'' => 2,'r' => 56286,'x' => 2082,'V' => 330,'h' => 18453,'f' => 10049,'' => 1,'i' => 66548,'A' => 1345,'O' => 354,'n' => 56696,'m' => 20747,'l' => 39914,'' => 7,'p' => 20917,'R' => 749,'o' => 48425}real 0.51user 0.49sys 0.02

python (numpy): 0.07 seconds

Based on Ants Aasma's answer (modified to support unicode):

#!/usr/bin/env pythonimport codecs, itertools, operator, sysimport numpyfilename = sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv)>1 else '/usr/share/dict/american-english'# ucs2 or ucs4 python?dtype = {2: numpy.uint16, 4: numpy.uint32}[len(buffer(u"u"))]# count ordinalstext =, encoding='utf-8').read()a = numpy.frombuffer(text, dtype=dtype)counts = numpy.bincount(a)# pretty printcounts = [(unichr(i), v) for i, v in enumerate(counts) if v]counts.sort(key=operator.itemgetter(1))print ' '.join('("%s" %d)' % c for c in counts  if c[0] not in ' \t\n')


("Å" 1) ("í" 2) ("ô" 2) ("å" 3) ("û" 3) ("ç" 4) ("â" 6) ("ê" 6) ("ñ" 6) ("ä" 7) ("á" 10) ("ó" 10) ("ö" 12) ("ü" 12) ("è" 29) ("X" 42) ("Q" 63) ("U" 117) ("é" 128) ("Y" 140) ("Z" 150) ("V" 330) ("I" 344) ("O" 354) ("F" 502) ("W" 507) ("N" 531) ("J" 539) ("E" 618) ("K" 656) ("R" 749) ("D" 809) ("G" 811) ("T" 858) ("H" 860) ("L" 912) ("P" 974) ("A" 1345) ("j" 1376) ("B" 1387) ("q" 1447) ("S" 1515) ("C" 1549) ("M" 1686) ("x" 2082) ("z" 3088) ("w" 6924) ("v" 7573) ("k" 7800) ("f" 10049) ("y" 12367) ("b" 14137) ("h" 18453) ("m" 20747) ("p" 20917) ("g" 22262) ("'" 24511) ("u" 25810) ("d" 28068) ("c" 30020) ("l" 39914) ("o" 48425) ("t" 51588) ("r" 56286) ("n" 56696) ("a" 62778) ("i" 66548) ("s" 86620) ("e" 87823)real 0.07user 0.06sys 0.01

c++: 0.05 seconds

// $ g++ *.cc -lboost_program_options // $ ./a.out /usr/share/dict/american-english    #include <iostream>#include <fstream>#include <cstdlib> // exit#include <boost/program_options/detail/utf8_codecvt_facet.hpp>#include <boost/tr1/unordered_map.hpp>#include <boost/foreach.hpp>int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {  using namespace std;  // open input file  if (argc != 2) {    cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " <filename>\n";    exit(2);  }  wifstream f(argv[argc-1]);   // assume the file has utf-8 encoding  locale utf8_locale(locale(""),       new boost::program_options::detail::utf8_codecvt_facet);  f.imbue(utf8_locale);   // count characters frequencies  typedef std::tr1::unordered_map<wchar_t, size_t> hashtable_t;    hashtable_t counts;  for (wchar_t ch; f >> ch; )    counts[ch]++;    // print result  wofstream of("output.utf8");  of.imbue(utf8_locale);  BOOST_FOREACH(hashtable_t::value_type i, counts)     of << "(" << i.first << " " << i.second << ") ";  of << endl;}


$ cat output.utf8 
(í 2) (O 354) (P 974) (Q 63) (R 749) (S 1,515) (ñ 6) (T 858) (U 117) (ó 10) (ô 2) (V 330) (W 507) (X 42) (ö 12) (Y 140) (Z 150) (û 3) (ü 12) (a 62,778) (b 14,137) (c 30,020) (d 28,068) (e 87,823) (f 10,049) (g 22,262) (h 18,453) (i 66,548) (j 1,376) (k 7,800) (l 39,914) (m 20,747) (n 56,696) (o 48,425) (p 20,917) (q 1,447) (r 56,286) (s 86,620) (t 51,588) (u 25,810) (Å 1) (' 24,511) (v 7,573) (w 6,924) (x 2,082) (y 12,367) (z 3,088) (A 1,345) (B 1,387) (C 1,549) (á 10) (â 6) (D 809) (E 618) (F 502) (ä 7) (å 3) (G 811) (H 860) (ç 4) (I 344) (J 539) (è 29) (K 656) (é 128) (ê 6) (L 912) (M 1,686) (N 531)

c (ascii): 0.0079 seconds

// $ gcc -O3 cc_ascii.c -o cc_ascii && time -p ./cc_ascii < input.txt#include <stdio.h>enum { N = 256 };size_t counts[N];int main(void) {  // count characters  int ch = -1;  while((ch = getchar()) != EOF)    ++counts[ch];    // print result  size_t i = 0;  for (; i < N; ++i)     if (counts[i])      printf("('%c' %zu) ", (int)i, counts[i]);  return 0;}

How about avoiding float operations inside the loop and do it after everything is done?

By that way, you could just do +1 everytime, and its should be faster.

And better use collections.defaultdict as S.Lott advised.

freqs=collections.defaultdict(int)for char in text:    freqs[char]+=1

Or You may want to try, collections.Counter in python 2.7+

>>> collections.Counter("xyzabcxyz")Counter({'y': 2, 'x': 2, 'z': 2, 'a': 1, 'c': 1, 'b': 1})


You may try psyco, which do just-in-time compiling for python.You have loops, so I think you would get some performance gain with psyco

Edit 1:

I did some benchmarks base on big.txt (~6.5 MB) which is used in spelling corrector by peter norvig

Text Length: 6488666dict.get : 11.9060001373 s93 chars {u' ': 1036511, u'$': 110, u'(': 1748, u',': 77675, u'0': 3064, u'4': 2417, u'8': 2527, u'<': 2, u'@': 8, ....if char in dict : 9.71799993515 s93 chars {u' ': 1036511, u'$': 110, u'(': 1748, u',': 77675, u'0': 3064, u'4': 2417, u'8': 2527, u'<': 2, u'@': 8, ....dict try/catch : 7.35899996758 s93 chars {u' ': 1036511, u'$': 110, u'(': 1748, u',': 77675, u'0': 3064, u'4': 2417, u'8': 2527, u'<': 2, u'@': 8, ....collections.default : 7.29699993134 s93 chars defaultdict(<type 'int'>, {u' ': 1036511, u'$': 110, u'(': 1748, u',': 77675, u'0': 3064, u'4': 2417, u'8': 2527, u'<': 2, u'@': 8, ....

CPU Specs: 1.6GHz Intel Mobile Atom CPU

According to that, dict.get is slowest and collections.defaultdict is fastest, try/except is also the fast one.

Edit 2:

Added collections.Counter benchmarks, Its slower than dict.get and took 15s in my laptop

collections.Counter : 15.3439998627 s93 chars Counter({u' ': 1036511, u'e': 628234, u't': 444459, u'a': 395872, u'o': 382683, u'n': 362397, u'i': 348464,

I've written Char Counter C Extension to Python, looks like 300x faster than collections.Counter and 150x faster than collections.default(int)

C Char Counter : 0.0469999313354 s93 chars {u' ': 1036511, u'$': 110, u'(': 1748, u',': 77675, u'0': 3064, u'4': 2417, u'8': 2527, u'<': 2, u'@': 8,

Here is Char Counter C Extension Codes

static PyObject *CharCounter(PyObject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *keywds){    wchar_t *t1;unsigned l1=0;    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,"u#",&t1,&l1)) return NULL;    PyObject *resultList,*itemTuple;    for(unsigned i=0;i<=0xffff;i++)char_counter[i]=0;    unsigned chlen=0;    for(unsigned i=0;i<l1;i++){        if(char_counter[t1[i]]==0)char_list[chlen++]=t1[i];        char_counter[t1[i]]++;    }    resultList = PyList_New(0);    for(unsigned i=0;i<chlen;i++){        itemTuple = PyTuple_New(2);        PyTuple_SetItem(itemTuple, 0,PyUnicode_FromWideChar(&char_list[i],1));        PyTuple_SetItem(itemTuple, 1,PyInt_FromLong(char_counter[char_list[i]]));        PyList_Append(resultList, itemTuple);        Py_DECREF(itemTuple);    };    return resultList;}

Where char_counter, and char_list are malloc-ated at module level, so no need to malloc every time when function calls.


It returns a List with Tuples

[(u'T', 16282), (u'h', 287323), (u'e', 628234), (u' ', 1036511), (u'P', 8946), (u'r', 303977), (u'o', 382683), ...

To convert to dict format, just dict() will do.


PS: Benchmark included the time converting to dict

CharCounter accept only Python Unicode String u"", if the text is utf8, need to do .decode("utf8") in advance.

Input Supports Unicode until Basic Multilingual Plane (BMP) - 0x0000 to 0xFFFF