`python -m unittest discover` does not discover tests `python -m unittest discover` does not discover tests python python

`python -m unittest discover` does not discover tests

The behaviour is intentional, but the documentation could make this clearer. If you look at the first paragraph in the test discovery section, it says:

For a project’s tests to be compatible with test discovery they must all be importable from the top level directory of the project (in other words, they must all be in Python packages).

A corollary to that is that the file names must also be valid Python module names. test-report.py fails that test, since test-report is not a legal Python identifier.

A docs bug suggesting that this be mentioned explicitly in the documentation for the -p pattern option would probably be a good way forward.

I had this problem because some directories in a project were missing __init__.py. I thought I don't need them in Python 3.7.

Just add __init__.py to every directory and python3 -m unittest will find tests automatically.

As someone relatively new to Python, the naming convention in the docs implied the opposite. Ben's comment was very helpful: the default discovery pattern looks for test-modules prefixed with the string "test"

I thought the introspection would just look for class names and not require a specific file naming convention.

Here is what the docs say:https://docs.python.org/3/library/unittest.htmlpython -m unittest discover -s project_directory -p "_test.py"I couldn't get this to work, but by changing my file names to be "test_.py" - success!