Python mechanize - two buttons of type 'submit' Python mechanize - two buttons of type 'submit' python python

Python mechanize - two buttons of type 'submit'

I tried using the nr parameter, without any luck.

I was able to get it to work with a combination of the name and label parameters, where "label" seems to correspond to the "value" in the HTML:

Here are my two submit buttons:

<input type="submit" name="Preview" value="Preview" /><input type="submit" name="Create" value="Create New Page" />

... and here's the code that clicks the first one, goes back, and then clicks the second:

from mechanize import = Browser()'')'my_form')['somefieldname'] = 'Foo'submit_response ='Preview', label='Preview')'my_form')['somefieldname'] = 'Bar'submit_response ='Create', label='Create New Page')

There's a variant that also worked for me, where the "name" of the submit button is the same, such as:

<input type="submit" name="action" value="Preview" /><input type="submit" name="action" value="Save" /><input type="submit" name="action" value="Cancel" />

and'my_form')submit_response ='action', label='Preview') ='action', label='Save')

IMPORTANT NOTE - I was only able to get any of this multiple-submit-button code to work after cleaning up some HTML in the rest of the page.

Specifically, I could not have <br/> - instead I had to have <br /> ... and, making even less sense, I could not have anything between the two submit buttons.

It frustrated me to no end that the mechanize/ClientForm bug I hunted for over two hours boiled down to this:

<tr><td colspan="2"><br/><input type="submit" name="Preview" value="Preview" /> <input type="submit" name="Create" value="Create New Page" /></td></tr>

(all on one line) did not work, but

<tr><td colspan="2"><br /><input type="submit" name="Preview" value="Preview" /><input type="submit" name="Create" value="Create New Page" /></td></tr>

worked fine (on multiple lines, which also shouldn't have mattered).

I like mechanize because it was easy to install (just copy the files into my include directory) and because it's pretty simple to use, but unless I'm missing something major, I think that bugs like this are kind of awful - I can't think of a good reason at all why the first example there should fail and the second should work.

And, incidentally, I also found another mechanize bug where a <textarea> which is contained within a <p> is not recognized as a valid control, but once you take it out of the <p> container it's recognized just fine. And I checked, textarea is allowed to be included in other block-level elements like <p>.

I would suggest you to use Twill which uses mechanize (mostly monkeypatched). So say you have form with some fields and two submit buttons with names "submit_to_preview" and "real_submit". Following code should work.

BTW remember this is not threadsafe so you might want to use locks in case if you want to use the code in a threaded env.

import twill.commandsb = twill.get_browser()url = "http://site/myform"twill.commands.go(url)twill.commands.fv("2", "name", "Me")twill.commands.fv("2", "age", "32")twill.commands.fv("2", "comment", "useful article")twill.commands.browser.submit("real_submit")

Hope that helps. Cheers.

Use the 'click' method. E.g.

mybrowser.select_form(nr=0)req ="submit", nr=1)

Should work.